Category: Uncategorised

  • John Maynard Keynes v Henry Ford

    John Maynard Keynes v Henry Ford

    Keynes believed that value is often determined by what we think other people want. Ford believed customers cannot fully capable of describing what they want (they would ask for a faster horse, not an automobile) Are they both right? Or should we really ask customers what they want.

  • Going Deeper

    Going Deeper

    Inspiration often comes from unusual sources. Jazz musician Wynston Marsalis  was asked “what do you do when things aren’t working and you are not making the progress that you would expect”. Wynston’s answer was simple “You go deeper”.

  • Customers don’t buy features

    Customers don’t buy features

    Customers buy benefits. They may ask about features, and they may talk about features but during the purchase decision, all they are thinking about are their benefits. Yet internally, our whole company is talking about features and roadmaps of features. Why?

  • 3 Types of Business Model Canvas

    3 Types of Business Model Canvas

    There are 3 business model canvases that I have used in the past – each with a different sweet spot of application and its worth being familiar with them all. Sketching a business model is a 15 minute task that could save you years of wasted time building products. So lets dive in.    

  • The 7 C’s of building a product for global scale

    The 7 C’s of building a product for global scale

    The 7 C’s of building a product for global scale I thought about this question a lot in my current company. To be able to scale to a truly global size tomorrow, what do we need to be doing today. What type of things must be true if the product successfully scaled to millions of users?

  • The fallacy of precision

    The fallacy of precision

    We product people can get very precise. We may describe how something should be built, what features our software must have, what colour a button should be. But precision can be your enemy. Let’s find out why.